Cloud-Based Circuit Simulation Tool




PartQuestTM Explore is a complete design, modeling, simulation, and analysis environment for electronic and mechatronic circuits and systems. Full coverage for analog, digital, mixed-signal and multi-domain systems including electro-mechanical and electro-thermal. SPICE and VHDL-AMS models supported.

How do I select more than one object on the schematic?

Holding the shift key down while clicking on an object will add this object to the selected set. Holding the control key down while clicking on an object will toggle that object’s selection without changing anything else that is selected. If the object was selected, it will be deselected after you click with the control key pressed.

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Powerful and Scalable Plans


Public Designs

PartQuestTM Explore Community

Get started with circuit design, modeling and simulation.


Boost Your Simulation Power

PartQuestTM Explore Simulation Pack

For Community users needing to run long simulations.


Private Design and Collaboration

PartQuestTM Explore Professional

For engineers that want all the power and privacy of Explore.


Community Simulation Pack Professional
VHDL-AMS & SPICE simulation
Unlimited public designs
Unlimited private designs
Create and join private collaboration groups
Simulation server execution time Unlimited simulations, up to one minute each Unlimited simulations, up to one hour each Unlimited simulations, up to one hour each
Price Free $277.32/year $968.16/year